Tuesday 22 December 2015

Social Media of the Day

When social media was in diapers I was a young 20 something and thought, "why would I want people knowing my business". The irony is that I was the target age group and I didn't start to engage with it until my late 20's and early 30's thinking "this is a great way to keep tabs on people but still being able to maintain my preferred level of introversion".

What does this have to do with family history?  Well one day we may all be memorialized by our online presence. Or, maybe, spreading our social goings on isn't new. Maybe in the past there was another medium besides the word of mouth that spread community news on a weekly basis. What on earth am I talking about?  I am talking about being wrote about in the "social pages". Old timey people were interested in what their neighbors where up to, who was visiting from out of town, why no one had seen ol' Mrs. so-in-so for a few days.

Exhibit 1:

As a researcher of family treasures these little tidbits, to me, are like uncovering a fine piece of silverware from a dusty attic trunk.  It's nice to have I suppose but if it's something you can't or aren't going to use, what's the point?  Indeed, what is the point of telling everyone who reads the newspaper about Fred and his brother visiting their niece and her husband? It's old timey FB, just less visual and no picture of their tea and cookies.

I'm sure these social page editors where not thinking "this will be great someday - their great grand children will really appreciate it!"

Some people made the paper more often then others. On my dad's side of the family it was often nice bits of news about visits and garden parties of the well-to-do.  On my mom's side (who lived in a neighbouring town) it wasn't as pleasant.

Poor Charlie Dadson.  He got picked on in the papers quite a bit and there was nothing flattering about the stories the newspaper chose to tell.

Exhibit 2:

The gist of the story is that my great grandfather was tossed onto the street with his belongs, wife, 3 year old and 1 year old daughter after the landlord claimed he'd not paid his rent.  Seems like a great story for the newspaper!! Why not tarnish a man's reputation on a slow news day - sheesh.  There were a few other mentions of Charlie in the newspaper in the late 30's including one where he lobbied to prevent kids from running around with guns on Sundays after church, as they were apparently want to do.

Not everything I have encountered has been so grim. Here are a few more that make me wonder about these people I will never know but whose blood I share.

(Above: football = soccer)

(With just a few more days to go, Merry Christmas to all)

It is interesting to think about the unintended legacy we might be leaving behind...
